21 April, 2016

The Alchemist - pursuing your Personal Legend

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When I read C.S. Lewis' "The Alchemist", the book really spoke to me - I think it's only when the authors pour out their hearts when they write, the words become alive and speak!

It inspires me to think about pursuing my own Personal Legend. Everyone has one. And I definitely want to run after mine. Well to each his own, everyone has different dreams and wishes and ambitions.

I used to be obsessed with seeking my "calling" in relation to my work. I thought that I need to do something important and great at work to be able to make a difference. The thing is, it doesn't really matter where am I, but if I just play my part and bloom where I'm planted, I can leave a legacy. I can help to change lives. I can lead and influence for good causes.

At my current phase of life, I am still making decisions. Sometimes there are struggles. But I don't want to give up on it.

I hope you have found your Personal Legend, and would not give up on pursuing or keeping it.

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Maira Gall