13 July, 2014

Hello July!

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Adapted from here (Seven Mile Bridge 01 by smilla4 on flickr)

Oh my. I haven't been writing since how long ago. I promised myself to write often. It's like a commitment which would make happy. To make sure I write from time to time.

I have been thinking to write a post about my first half of this year. Yep I like doing this. This is like a memoir or like counting blessings? I could list down bad things that happened too (they sure did happen!). And when I read back I could be like wow I was that depressed? Also I'm making use of my time. I'm currently on the train to Sentosa and listening to songs lol. It's At The Cross. :)

Anyway here's the list!

1. Fulfilling year 2013 resolution: learning Spanish

It's very significant for me. Because I feel like I can achieve what I want to do! And I found out that I really love learning. This is probably the time in my life which I love learning the most. It's like, a hunger for new knowledge and skills. I have a lot of things I wanna learn and I don't wanna be a Jack of all trades though. Also I just signed up to an online course on biology. It is like a 10 weeks thing and it's starting coming Monday.

2. Chasing after dreams and goals

...and actually fulfilling them. I bought a laptop last year end or starting of this year. I'm gonna learn more about programming. I'd need to be more disciplined and make use of my time, I realized. And my dream is to make use of what I know to help improve the world. I'm gonna help people!

3. Realizing it's important to seek God in everything I do

Everything. People might have different ways of planning for themselves. As for me, I'm committing my plans to God. And I believe God will help me to be a blessing to people and have a meaningful life (read John 10:10). Also, I learnt that time is really precious and I need to make use of my time. And in Him I don't have to feel uncertain. Thank God for the peace. :) (Oh and I'm really thankful because my parents never control what I do.)

4. Bad things

Which I don't want to elaborate on. And I made mistakes. It's irresponsible to throw the bad ending to God :( but I wish somehow the broken can be fixed. Mistakes couldn't be undone. But I wanna start afresh. I also learnt that even though God is merciful, things are different if I screw up once, or twice, or more times. But I'm working on it. And I thank God for being in control through the good and bad.

5. Building my career

Refers to #2. I feel like I'm on the way on building my career (I just feel like very motivated to do it). I hope it's not too late for a 26 year old. D:

Okay and some other things that happened hmm...

Before the concert started!

6. I joined a new cell group! My previous one changed their cell day to Friday. Anyway I love it there.

7. I took an online course at coursera and it's starting tomorrow!

8. I visited Brisbane!!! Anyway I had to factory reset my phone and couldn't do any back up before hand so I lost all Brisbane pictures... :( I want to visit Australia again!

9. I went to my first concert! With Hillsong United at Singapore Indoor Stadium!

Mid-year Resolutions

1. To draw closer to God. Spend more times for bible study, prayer time and ministries. Most of all God.

2. Improve my efficiency at work and skills and everything. Yes everything (so general).

3. To set up a drawing blog and a techie blog. Like a programming blog.

That's all so far I'd upload more! (Rushing out so bye)

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Maira Gall