Dear God
I'm so frustrated. I have been for this week so far. The porting didn't work and I'd been to the telco store 2 days in a row. And second day was a vain effort. And I'm worrying if they have to take back my $150 discount. Also, I have to try on contact lenses. I need them for the event next weekend, and I never know how to wear contact lenses. Is it like poking my eyes with a pencil? My sister told me yesterday that her phone has some problems with freezing. I have to bring the phone to the service centre on her behalf because I live in the city. There are like tonnes of things in line. And they made me worried, panicked and frustrated. Help me to see that these things have no eternal value and are not worth of worrying. Help me to depend on You and to trust that You have everything in control. Teach me to give thanks and praise You in the good or bad times.
Thank You for Your love and grace. And tolerance for my weird cranky self.
Practical steps:
1. The phone is still in warranty! And we have quite a number of spared phones at home! And she only needs it by end of the month.
2. The worst is not wearing glasses and lost my clear vision for a while. Anyway I have next week to try on them.
3. I was prepared to pay around 200 anyway. So yea... at least I have the ability to buy.
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