Wow it's been almost a month since I last made an update.
Well I have been busy. But thank God because I believe there is fruitfulness in the midst of it all. I just came back from a mission trip and for the week before there was Mission Intensive Program. I really thank God for the things that He spoke to me through MIP and the trip. And I want to write them down before I forget them.
This season I believe God is speaking to me about His purpose, as I was led to seek my calling and the plan He has for me. The idea about glorifying God with my life and make it my sole purpose of living starts to override my own plans and dreams. I believe I am not even close to understand a small bit of it - be it the glory of God or what He will do in my life. In 1 Corinthians 2:9 it says
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—
1. Obey beyond understanding - trusting in the unlimited God beyond my very limited mind
I shared with some that I feel like I am walking down a path and about to turn at the end of it, and I have ZERO idea what is ahead. So this is really a time for me to trust God when I don't see anything happening. I remembered a sermon where this speaker talked about his story when he was secretly planning a proposal for his then fiancee, and on the day itself she got mad because she thought he was going to propose but he did not (yet!) - actually he was planning to do it at the end of the day! The message was: do you believe that God (the God who loves you so so much) is working in the background for something that is good for you, even when you don't see anything ongoing? In Isaiah 55:8-9 God says
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,And a lot of times I struggle with my mind trying to process things with my logical thoughts. So it's something I need to learn along the journey, which is to not overthink and allow God to reveal to me my heart's condition instead.
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
2. Let my doing be a natural overflow of my being
Being a Christian for all these years, I'd say I'm quite with certain "doing". But in serving God and people, I want my motive and intention to be pure and right before God. I want to always remember the reason I serve - which is out of love. I want to be like Mary, that among the tasks and responsibilities I still want to find time to rest at the feet of Lord Jesus to just be with Him.
3. Step out of my comfort zone
I believe God wants His children to grow. The theme this year is "the Year of Growth". But growing could be uncomfortable since there will be changes. I think throughout MIP and mission trip I was also challenged to do things out of my comfort zone and even natural willingness. Like I don't really like being in leadership role because I don't want to be the person who make the final call. Then I had chances to take up such responsibility. Then for the role I was involved in for Mission Convention, at first I wished I was in other groups. But I think I was challenged by what I said to God that wherever He sends me I will go. Anyway thank God I enjoyed the first session of group meeting. I hope that I can contribute to the team and God can use us to bring out an impactful message to people.
4. God is the Lord of the harvest
Another thing to remember which is very important is that God is in control in the midst of everything. Something the trip leader reminded us is that God loves the people much more than we do. We might not be able to catch everyone after the service to encourage them or to get to know them more (also because of limited number of us who knows the language), but God can use the seeds we have sown and He can work in miraculous way.
5. Discipline
If we could have so many things in a day, and still were able to make time for devotion, I think in daily life there is no reason for me to say "I have no time". It's really about discipline, and how I manage my time. Sometimes there are things that are not essential. So I need to learn to prioritize things.
Back to Singapore and routines, I think the challenge is to continue to apply what I have learned in MIP and mission trip. I thank God for the opportunity to partner with Him and to be used by Him. I pray that I will allow God to stretch me so that I can serve Him and glorify Him. It's not going to be easy, but I want that deeper work in my life. Praise God! :)
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